Julie's Jacobean Jacket

Jacket from the early 1600s....A quick and dirty 1 month project.

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Call it Macaroni

Still adding finishing touches to the Jacobean...

Beth, the hubbies and I went to the PA and MD faires this past weekend (we had a lovely time!). So as to add a bit of variation to my costume, this time I stuck a feather in my hat! This is one of the ostrich feathers from the "Aunt Tina's Shopping Spree" stash. So thank you to both Aunt Tina and Beth for the gift. I didn't get photos of me wearing it, because we're getting notoriously bad at taking photos while wandering around faires, but it was so beauteous that I got pics later that night:

hat front

hat side

Monday, October 02, 2006

Wow, this is a short blog...

From start to finish, this whole project is under 10 posts? I'm either sewing faster or blogging slower. Mayhaps a combo?

In any case, Beth and I went to the VA faire in Salem over the weekend, where we volunteered our time with Mistress Margaret Sherley and the Guild of St. Hubert (see bottom).
It was wonderful getting to know the Her Majesty's Royal Hounds group (though I wish I could have had more time), and I had great fun with our 5 hounds, not to mention the rest of the faire workers. I was quite happy to dedicate my time (and poor accent) to their cause.

And now, some eyecandy (I'll leave beth to post pics of herself, as we have precious few, and I don't want to hoard them all!)

First, I must laugh at Beth for taking a photo of me that seems very at home on my blogs--a headless Julie:

blogworthy, no?

And then I must laugh at myself for my ability to show my...ahem...best side. In fact, all subjects of this particular photo are showing their "assets" quite well, and I couldn't help but make it public for entertainment. I'll have to work on the ladylike postures, cuz farthingale to the sky is probably not the best idea...

Does this dress make my butt look big? Yes? Well, that's the point, isn't it?

And a last bit of eyecandy where we all seem to be posing prettily. Yay, eyecandy!

I'd like to thank Beth for lending me her jewelry (hat brooch, girdle, necklace) and her spectacular caul (which I almost forgot, so I would like to thank Jennifer for tracking us down in the parking lot to return it).

I'd also like to thank Adele again for the beautiful fabric and lace that I used on the jacket. Even the Queen commented on it!

My to-do list for this costume (so I guess the blogs not really finished, is it?):
1) Make my own jewelry/caul
2) Make a more period-appropriate ruff (this one is flemish/italian, and I'd really like a crazy standing elizabethan one)
3) Add a second black guard to the skirt hem
4) Make sleeves for the kirtle so it can stand alone (I've got enough leftover blue wool)
5) Add braid to the guards for that completely silly black-on-black look?
6) Make a proper petticoat to cover my farthingale (i used an old one with inappropriate fabric). I'd like something red. Or orange. Surprise...
7) Make a chemise that doesn't suck (mine has way too tight arms and a droopy neck).
8) Finish decorating the hat
9) Make a headdress more like Margaret Latons, or a heart shaped bonnet. I think that would be more appropriate for the jacket than my hat.

This all will occur...um...later, of course...