Julie's Jacobean Jacket

Jacket from the early 1600s....A quick and dirty 1 month project.

Friday, September 15, 2006

Hardcore Head Coverings

Not really...possibly I just wanted to put the word "hardcore" into a blogpost and see how many stray hits I get as a result. ;) Not my idea...I'm just influencable...

Anyway, I've been working on a hat, even though I want a different head covering for this costume (one like Maragaret Laton's would be nice). The problem is that there is a time crunch, and I have already started this hat and actually have the materials for it (I don't have all the frilly lace/feathers I'd need for her fun crazy hat). I suspect the jacobean outfit will have some hodgepodged accessories on its debut. So be it. ;)

Anywho, green velvet hat, done in the mad hatter style. Its base is the same plastic canvas I used for hubby's hat, shapes so it tapers at the bottom instead of a top (kinda like a taller, structured italian bonnet). Now, I know that there is a paining/mural/sketch of Queen Elizabeth sitting on a rearing white horse where she is sporting a similar hat. But darned if I can find it. So, um, no proof, but too bad!

Anywho, its not finished, but hte base is done, and i've cut the covering for the brim. As you can see, its shaping up to be quite ridiculous (thank you to my lovely model(s)):



Blogger Beth said...

Oh I know the picture you're talking about! Can't find it either, but I do recognize the reference! The hat is looking spiffy. And I'm glad you're finally succumbing to the joys of gratuitous pet picture posting. 'Cause I'm in the Gurgi fan club!

8:49 AM  
Blogger Julebug said...

Oooh, in that case, i've got some entertaining "gurgi meets farthingale" pictures. I shall post them soon! ;)

If you do come across that elizabeth pic, be a doll and send me the linke (that goes for anyone else reading, too!).

And yes, i'll pleat it. I think smooth would look far too mad hattery.

10:05 AM  
Blogger Beth said...

Yes, I quite enjoyed using the farthingale to gently sweep the beasties out of my path. The dogs quickly developed respect for the power of hoops; the cat on the other hand discovered the entertainment value of twining around my legs under the farthingale....and the resulting screech!

2:06 PM  

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